New Infrared Technologies (NIT)

New Infrared Technologies (NIT) is a company located in Madrid (Spain), which develops and commercializes industrial solutions for real-time process monitoring and smart control of laser-based industrial processes. These solutions are based on self-produced infrared cameras, manufactured with a unique technology and sensitive in the medium wavelength infrared (MWIR, 1-5 µm), featuring high-speed capabilities and uncooled operation. NIT’s solution portfolio comprises  as well as line array MWIR cameras and single-pixel PbSe detectors.

New Infrared Technologies (NIT) is a company located in Madrid (Spain), which develops and commercializes industrial solutions for real-time process monitoring and smart control of laser-based... read more »
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New Infrared Technologies (NIT)

New Infrared Technologies (NIT) is a company located in Madrid (Spain), which develops and commercializes industrial solutions for real-time process monitoring and smart control of laser-based industrial processes. These solutions are based on self-produced infrared cameras, manufactured with a unique technology and sensitive in the medium wavelength infrared (MWIR, 1-5 µm), featuring high-speed capabilities and uncooled operation. NIT’s solution portfolio comprises  as well as line array MWIR cameras and single-pixel PbSe detectors.

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